The Walking Dead: 400 Days, Season 1 Announced for PlayStation Vita

The dead arrive on Vita, along with Remastered classics.

Sony’s E3 press conference started well enough as Jack Tretton took to the stage to announce that Telltale Games’ The Walking Dead would be heading to the PlayStation Vita. And not just Season 1 of the episodes either, but this includes the 400 Days DLC as well as some bonus content for release in Summer.

A PlayStation Vita bundle is already being planned wherein you can pick up the handheld along with The Walking Dead Season 1, 400 Days and the bonus content in question.

It’s also been announced that PlayStation Vita will be receiving a bunch of remastered classics, with Flower and Dead Nation among other titles to arrive on the handheld.

This isn’t counting the other titles poised to release this year including Tearaway, Batman Arkham Origins: Blackgate, Killzone Mercenary and many more. Stay tuned as Sony just starts out its press conference.

400 DaysDLCe3 2013PlayStation VitasonyTelltale GamesThe Walking Dead