The War Z pummeled on Metacritic, down to 1.2 user score

A lesson to other devs out there.

Hammerpoint Interactive, the studio behind The War Z, has faced the Mayan predicted apocalypse recently, with their work getting smashed to smithereens.

It’s a common logic that you don’t mess with the Internet or attempt to fool people by feeding them rubbish. Sergey Titov, who also has to his credit the worst rated game of all time called ‘Big Rigs: Over the Road Racing’, has one more masterpiece to boast of: The War Z.

Now critics may not have passed their official judgement on the game, considering there are hardly any reviews out for it, but their verdict is clear when you comb Twitter and their opinion pieces on this whole controversy.

I am not fond of the Metacritic user score, I find it completely pointless since people have been known to promote their products or sabotage them based on their agenda. The backlash against the game on Metacritic is quite hilarious.

The game has a 1.2 user score out of 1950 ratings, but since those numbers are bullshit anyway, let’s read what people have to say about this game.

  • If you are going to blatantly rip off a competitors title, at least do it right. Graphics are horrid, gameplay is broken and there is no intentions of fixing any of this other than broken promises.
  • This is a scam, nothing but a cheap cash in of DayZ’s success. Do yourself a favor and don’t support this dishonesty by buying this garbage. Save your money.
  • I usually believe that people give zero ratings to games just to pull them down because they are massively over hyped (see Halo, Call of duty etc), however zero in the War Z actually means zero.
  • Quite possibly the worst game ever made. The graphics look like they are from a Sega Dreamcast at best and this is 2012 making these graphics completely unacceptable. Just so everyone knows, the screenshots shown are not taken from the game. And the last thing every potential player needs to know, there is a 1 HOUR RESPAWN TIMER when you die and you LOSE ALL YOUR GEAR!
  • Big Rigs comes to mind when playing this game. It’s unfinished and plagued by bugs, exploits and hacks. At first I believed the promises of the developers and decided to just wait it out, but Hammerpoint is like that prostitute you just paid and then she admits to you that she has no vagina, but too bad, she runs off with your money anyways.

Err… OK, I guess that’s enough for now. Maybe you could go and read some of the positive comments if you’re bored. Yes, they don’t look legitimate at all.

hammerpoint interactivepcThe War Z