The Wonderful 101: Remastered Hits $2 Million Stretch Goal, Includes Second Spinoff Mission

Luka's second mission just made the cut.

Apparently, the ongoing Kickstarter for The Wonderful 101: Remastered was less about funding the remaster of the action game and more about gauging interest. Well, I think it’s fair to say it showed a lot of interest. On an original goal of just $50,000, it has now zoomed passed $2 million, which includes more side content.

The $2 million oal was Luka’s Second Mission (the Kickstarter passed enough for the first installment while back). This will be, as the ame suggests, a second DLC mission of what promises to be an all new 2D side-scrolling adventure game. That should be fun to see when we do get details.

The Kickstarter is now entering its final stages, having just 30 hours to go as of writing this. There are two more stretch goals left, one at $2.25 million for fully orchestral recordings of two themes, and then $2.5 million will see new language additions. It most likely won’t hit either at this rate, but considering the success of the Kickstarter so far, maybe we shouldn’t count them out just yet.

nighthawk interactivenintendo switchpcPlatinumGamesps4The Wonderful 101: Remastered