Titanfall 2 Could Come to Steam

Respawn's Vince Zampella thinks the dev shouldn't repeat the mistake of not having Titanfall on Steam.

Respawn Entertainment’s Titanfall was arguably one of the best competitive online first person shooters of the year despite several of its flaws and criticisms. Sadly, it was only available for Xbox One and Xbox 360 players. Even PC users were stuck with the Origin version if they wanted to play.

It’s already known that Titanfall 2 will be heading to other platforms in the future. Speaking to Game Informer, Respawn co-founder Vince Zampella talked about the possibility of the first game heading to Steam and alluded to Titanfall 2 perhaps arriving at launch on the digital platform.

“At some point you look at it and you say is it even worth now this much later the effort to put it on Steam, when it would be a lot of work and kind of bifurcate the community?

“We would have loved for it to be on Steam from day one, but at some point it just doesn’t make sense anymore and you start looking to the future and I think we should not make that same decision again.”

So while he doesn’t say it aloud, there does seem to be a thought process for getting Titanfall 2 on to Steam. Would you be more excited for it in that case? Let us know in the comments.

Originpcrespawn entertainmentSteamTitanfall 2