Titanfall Heading to Spike VGX Awards, “Big Surprises and News” Teased

Public beta announcements incoming?

Spike’s VGX Awards are on December 7th, and there’s already quite a bit rumoured for the event including news regarding Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition (which could be on the Xbox One and PS4), Fallout 4’s reveal and much more. Now, we can Respawn Entertainment’s Titanfall to the list, as host Geoff Keighley has announced Respawn’s presence. Not only that, but apparently there will be some surprises in store.

Will we finally receive information on a public beta? Maybe a new gameplay trailer or something similarly snazzy? We’ll need to wait till December to find out but the way Respawn has been delivering as of late, it’ll be worth the wait.

Titanfall is currently scheduled to release for Xbox One, Xbox 360 and PC on March 11th 2014 in North America and March 13th 2014 in Europe. It will be the first in a probable series, with latter games likely to arrive on other platforms including the PlayStation 4.

EAgeoff keighleyrespawn entertainmentSpike VGX AwardsTitanFallXbox One