Tomb Raider Definitive Edition Trailer Promises The ‘Definitive Lara’

Trailer lists the various ways the game has been upgraded from its original release.

Last year’s Tomb Raider, the reboot of the long running franchise that hat hit murky waters with recent releases, finally restored some of the shine to the franchise, by returning to the roots of the games’ story, while also simultaneously taking cues from other similar games on the market liberally.

What we got as a result was an extremely accomplished and competent action adventure game, that ranks among the better games of last year. Therefore, it is a bit baffling that we are getting Tomb Raider Definitive Edition, a remastered version of the game for Xbox One and PlayStation 4, just a little over a year after the original title’s release; I mean, even as far as HD remasters go, that’s probably pushing it.

Nonetheless, the game remains as great as it was, and the trailer above makes it clear that it’s more than just a cash grab, it’s a cash grab where some clear effort went into it.

Whether you choose to buy it on your new Xbox One or PS4 will probably depend entirely on whether you bought it on your rusty old Xbox 360 or PS3 last year.

Square Enixtimb raider definitive editionTomb Raider