Transistor- Enemies Will Grow And Evolve With The Player

Interesting stuff here.

Supergiant Games, the creators of Bastion, announced some time ago that they’ll be coming up with another title called Transistor, and the details we have had on the game have been very interesting. Greg Kasavin, who’s working as a creative director, on the game, says the enemies in the game will grow and evolve according to the way the player plays.

The enemies will develop new weaknesses and get over their old ones as the game progresses, depending on how you play and what you do while in battle. “In later encounters you’ll have to weigh a number of different priorities as you take on a dangerous faction called the Process,” Kasavin said. “The Process has several unusual properties, such as how it gains experience levels and new abilities over the course of the game, shoring up weaknesses you’ve been able to exploit.”

Transistor will also employ a time pause mechanic. “Whether they use it to press the attack or as a last-ditch measure or for evasive maneuvers, or just for pausing and surveying, it’s all viable in any proportion with the real-time combat,” Kasavin said while talking about it. “We knew we were onto something with it when we noticed that everyone on our team was using [The pause system] differently when we played.”

Stay tuned for more updates.

Source: Gameinformer

linuxMacpcps4Supergiant GamesTransistor