Treyarch bringing next Call of Duty game to “new console”

A new job listing spotter by Gamespot says that Treyarch, the devs of last year’s Call of Duty: Black Ops, are preparing to bring their next Call of Duty game to “a new console”.

The job ad is looking for people to help Treyarch “bringing our hugely successful game to a new console.” They haven’t mentioned what exactly this “hugely successful game is”, but it’d take no bright minds to understand that they’re talking about Call of Duty.

Now, Activision has shown interest in the PS Vita and Wii U. So could this new game be a Wii U or a Vita Call of Duty game? Or could it be something else? The Xbox 720 has been in a lot of rumours lately. Could it be that Treyarch are looking to bring Black Ops 2 over to the Xbox 720?

Stay tuned to GB, we’ll keep updating you as more info comes our way.

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