During its recent Tokyo Game Show showcase, Square Enix revealed a new trailer for Triangle Strategy, its upcoming HD-2D tactical RPG. It showcases the various circumstances that can result based on decisions made, from allies turning on the player to broken relationships. There’s also a fairly good overview of each character. Check it out below.
Triangle Strategy is set in Norzelia, a land of three kingdoms and while they may be at peace, war suddenly breaks out. This causes Serenoa of House Wolffort to become involved, battling foes in order to ensure victory. Depending on certain decisions, the entire party will cast their votes using the Scales of Conviction. Depending on how you want a decision to go, it’s important to converse with allies beforehand.
The strategy RPG gameplay is also fairly compelling, emphasizing high ground control, flanking and elemental reactions to overcome foes. Triangle Strategy is slated to release on March 4th 2022 for Nintendo Switch. Stay tuned for more details in the coming months.