Ubisoft Discovers That PS4 GPU Is Twice As Powerful As Xbox One GPU


A series of benchmarks and tests conducted by Ubisoft just ended up confirming the obvious, something we have known for quite a while now: the PlayStation 4 is more powerful and capable (from a hardware standpoint) than the Xbox One. But what they also revealed was a little startling piece of new information- you see, they revealed that the PlayStation 4’s GPGPU is twice as powerful as Xbox One’s.

They also ended up revealing that the Xbox One’s CPU is in fact more powerful than the PlayStation 4’s, although the difference there is pretty small (the Xbox One’s CPU is slightly more powerful than the PlayStation 3’s; the PS4’s is somehow less powerful than that), which would explain why they want to move tasks associated with the CPU over to the much more powerful GPUs on both these machines.

Well… guys. I think this is just more, continuing evidence of the fact that the PlayStation 4 is, in fact, a far more capable machine than the Xbox One. Stop hoping for that to change.

GPGPUps4UbisoftXbox One