Ultra Street Fighter 4 Not Releasing for Wii U

"No plans" for the console according to producer Yoshinori Ono.

No surprises here: Ultra Street Fighter 4 has not been announced for launch on the Wii U. This doesn’t mean we won’t see any version of the same down the line but according to producer Yoshinori Ono on Twitter, there are currently no plans for bringing the game to the Wii U.

It’s somewhat understandable, given that the original Street Fighter 4 and Super Street Fighter 4 didn’t make their way to the Wii. The latter did find itself on the Nintendo 3DS however, and while dwindling support for third party developers could be explained as the cause, Capcom are still bringing games like Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate to the Wii U.

Of course, it could just be that there are more established players on the PS3, Xbox 360 and PC than on the Wii U. So why take risks? Hopefully we’ll see Street Fighter 4 arrive for the console in some form or the other in the coming months.

capcomUltra Street Fighter 4wii uYoshinori Ono