Unannounced Switch Titles Due Out This Year, Nintendo Confirms

Nintendo also reassures that there shouldn't be any concern about delays.

Over the past couple of days, we’ve learnt that Nintendo has some stuff up its sleeve for the Switch that it hasn’t revealed yet. They confirmed that at least one unannounced game is due out this year, while recent report stated that that number is actually much higher, and as many as 11 games could be out for the Switch in 2019 that we don’t know about yet.

In a recent Q&A session during their financial briefing, Nintendo recently confirmed that that is the case- though he didn’t give specific number, Shinya Takahashi, Nintendo’s senior managing executive officer, confirmed that several unannounced Switch titles are currently in development, and that some of them will be launching this year. Takahashi also talked about the concern surrounding delays, especially in light of Metroid Prime 4, suggesting that Nintendo isn’t concerned about any of these titles getting delayed.

“Compared to the NES era, there are a lot more developers, larger development teams,” said Takahashi, when asked about the management side of things in development processes for Switch titles. “We conduct development in a variety of locations, as the number of development centers [has] also increased. So although it’s true that the volume of software is increasing, there are more people involved in developing it, there are more development processes in place to bring it all together, and development scale has expanded, I believe, regarding plans [on] how to develop software. We are working better than before partly because development departments have been integrated.”

“I have heard some people say we have a tendency towards slow development, but thatʼs certainly not true in every case,” he continued. “We have titles currently in development that we havenʼt announced yet, some of which weʼre preparing to release this year, and I donʼt anticipate the kind of delays they would be concerned about.”

From a new Zelda title, to Star Fox Grand Prix, to Metroid Prime Trilogy, any number of games could be planned for Nintendo’s handheld-console hybrid this year- so it’s definitely an exciting time to be Switch owner. Meanwhile, Nintendo already has a plethora of announced titles due out for this year- of those, the release dates for Luigi’s Mansion 3, Daemon X Machina, and Animal Crossing might have been leaked. Read more on that through here.

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