Upcoming Bioshock 2 DLC released early for PC; doesn’t work

The long-awaited ‘Protector Trials’ DLC for the PC version of BioShock 2 was made available pre-maturely via Games for Windows Live, but users who downloaded the pack soon found the content was innacessible. Despite being rumoured to be free, gamers who spent the 400 MS points on the 964mb update were soon to be dissapointed.

A 2K rep has stated that players should “hang tight and I’ll let you know what’s going on when I get official word – I don’t know the status of that content given that it wasn’t supposed to be released yet, so I wouldn’t work on trying to get it going.”

It’s pretty typical for PC gamers to get the short end of the stick. Keep your guns cooled until the DLC released officially soon.

Thanks to CVG for the info.

2KBioshock 2pc