Used game trade a concern – Bethesda

Always-online seems like a good way to counter it, right?

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Bethesda has spoken out against used game trade and they believe it’s a cause for concern.

“We have tried to mitigate it by creating games that offer replayability, by supporting them with DLC that’s worth hanging onto the game for, or offering tools that let them take things further,” Bethesda vice president told Destructoid.

“Games are not cheap to buy because they’re expensive to make, and people are looking for ways to keep it affordable. I’m not sure anyone has figured out a solution that works for everyone, and there simply may not be one until someone figures out how to include developers and publishers in the loop on used games sales instead of keeping it all for themselves.”

He also shared his thoughts on the multiplayer and said that it should only be included when it adds something to the game.

“The time and energy we would have put into adding online/co-op/whatever functionality to Skyrim would have taken away from the single-player experience. I don’t think the game would have been as good. We’d spend a lot more time working on how it all works when one person is playing versus two people, and the end result would have been a lesser game,” he said.

“Todd Howard has explicitly said this in the past, so I’m gonna go with what he thinks. I think multiplayer really helps when multiplayer is important to the game experience the developer wants to create. If it’s not important, leave it out.”

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