Valkyria Chronicles 4 Trailer Brings Newcomers Up to Speed

Sega tells you what the heck is going on with the world and its characters.

Sega’s Valkyria Chronicles series has a rich lore to it, even if you discount the less strategic second and third games in the series. With Valkyria Chronicles 4 running parallel to the first game, it’s not a bad idea to become acquainted with the setting and its characters. Cue a trailer from Sega to help newcomers out along with showcasing the characters from Squad E and F.

Valkyria Chronicles 4 has quite a lot going from it. Along with returning to a more tactical RPG style of gameplay, it introduces new characters, a new class and the Centurion snow cruiser for players to tinker around with. There will also be more opportunity for different tactics with the winter climate affecting missions.

While Valkyria Chronicles 4 will be out in 2018 for the Xbox One, PS4 and Nintendo Switch, it will arrive for PS4 in Japan on March 21st 2018. Nintendo Switch players in Japan can expect to play it in the Summer.

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