Valve’s Employee Handbook Teases Half Life 3

Ever the tease, Valve doesn't even spare new employees.

For all its achievements, including Steam, Greenlight, Portal, DOTA and whatnot, what would Valve Software be without Half-Life? For that matter, where would be without Half-Life 2, which still remains one of the best games ever created and practically illustrated how Havok Physics (among other things) could make for an amazing experience.

But for all its achievements, we still crave the long-awaited Half-Life 3. It’s been almost 9 years since the release of Half-Life 2 and there’s still be no indication as to when or in what form we’ll have Half-Life 3.

That doesn’t stop Valve from endlessly teasing it, even in its employee handbook. Check it out here and head over to Page 20, with the illustrations. Missed it? Check out the t-shirt the employee is wearing in the second panel.

Yes, it’s impossible that something will come from this revelation. But likewise, it doesn’t just have to mean that Half-Life 3 is an endless exercise in hype. It could very well be in development and ready to release some day. Not today, of course, but surely some day?

Half Life 2Half Life 3pcSteamValve Software