Wasteland 2 Requires 50 Hours to Complete

Even skilled players will have enough to keep them occupied.

inXile Entertainment’s Wasteland 2, which was one of the fastest funded game projects on Kickstarter, will require 50 hours to complete. This is for an average player on a normal playthrough so while more skilled players till take less time, it’s still a very meaty experience to sink your teeth into due to the amount of content available.

As explained by inXile on the Kickstarter page, “One thing we were excited to look into were stats showing how long people were playing the game. It can be hard for a developer to estimate exactly how long a game takes because even when playing through fully, we’re still too familiar with it to not go through it fast.

“But now that we’ve had people playing it and based on how long they’ve been taking on the live content, we can estimate the full game will likely take the average new player around 50 hours on a normal playthrough. Though it’ll take quite a bit longer if you’re looking to fully explore every location and mission.”

Wasteland 2 is yet to receive a firm release date so stay tuned for more details.

crowd fundingInXile EntertainmentKickstarterpcWasteland 2