We are disappointed by Vita’s lack of third party support- Sony

Well, work on it!

Sony Worldwide Studios president Shuhei Yoshida says the firm is surprised and disappointed at how little third party support the PS Vita has gotten. I’d say that’s the least of their worries… well, maybe.

“One thing that was surprising and disappointing to us was the [lower] number of third parties to come out [in support] after launch,” Yoshida told Gamasutra.

He goes on to talk about what the possible reasons might be: “In retrospect, there are so many options for publishers now that we cannot take it for granted that our new platform would be supported by third parties, like [it would’ve been] many years ago.”

He continued: “There are limited resources that third party publishers have, and they have to diversify into new areas constantly; that’s a challenge to get the support that we want.

“As we can expand our install base and articulate what works really well on the platform as compared to others, it will get easier for us to be able get support from third parties.”

The Vita has got two big third party titles lined up for this year- Call of Duty: Black Ops: Declassified and Assassin’s Creed 3: Liberation, and others like Need for Speed: Most Wanted. FIFA 13 also recently released on the system. But its third party is pretty disappointing indeed.

Are you satisfied with the Vita’s third party support? Tell us in your comments below.

PS Vitasony