“We definitely think there’s a market there” for Mirror’s Edge 2- DICE

DICE, developer of the acclaimed but often underrated Mirror’s Edge, thinks that there is definitely a market there for a possible sequel of the game, and that people, too, are ready for it.

“I think it’s something that people are ready to get into again,” DICE producer Patrick Liu told Spong.

“We see that there’s a huge fan following, it’s almost like a cult! And we know what strengths we had, and what weaknesses we had in that game. If we were to release a new game, we’d know what to improve and how to reach a broader audience. So I definitely think there’s a market there.”

Rumours and talks about Mirror’s Edge 2 have been circulating a lot these days. EA Labels President Frank Gabeau said a few months back: “We’re looking at ideas for it, absolutely.

We just haven’t figured out the right way to bring it back yet. It was a franchise that reached an audience, but it didn’t reach a large audience, and from a quality standpoint it was good, not great. Working with DICE, we’re really trying to figure out a way of bringing Faith and the Mirror’s Edge property back, but we just really haven’t crafted the idea yet. We’re looking at it.”

Stay tuned for more info, we’ll keep you updated.

DICEEAMirror's Edge