World Of Speed Developers Reveal The Moscow Racing Trailer

GOTTA GO FAST! Without the open world.

Another racing trailer for you all, and wouldn’t you know it, we’ve apparently travelled back in time by two years because this one’s still using dubstep montages. Anyway, World of Speed developers, Slightly Mad Studios, have today released their newest gameplay trailer (seriously though it’s just a giant dubstep montage) for the upcoming free to play massively multiplayer online arcade racing game.

The trailer is titled Moscow Racing and you can look forward to not actually seeing that much of Moscow except for one or two exhibition shots and a brief example of a shortcut, because the rest of the trailer is (just like last time) a series of low slung camera angles and needless breaking and turning on empty roads.

Just like with the last trailer, I’m not hating on the game because it still is in Beta stages of development. But when your windscreen wipers move at like 6fps (see the 00:13 point of the video) and you need to include filters and effects to make the trailer somewhat watchable, but no more enjoyable, you make me more than just a little sceptical as to the final quality of the game.

MMOMy.compcSlightly Mad StudiosWorld of Speed