World of Warcraft Legion New Trailer Shows Off New Locations and Features

Legions of fans get cautiously hyped.

The latest expansion for World of Warcraft, Legion, is almost here- and Blizzard are trying their very best to get the legion (har har) of players jaded and burnt out on the MMO due to the disappointment that was Warlords of Draenor, the last expansion, excited for the new one.

Which is what this new trailer seems to be built specifically to do- the trailer shows off all of the new features the MMO will have, as well as the locations that will be featured in the expansion and its story. I am not sure how the new expansion will be featured, but it does seem like Blizzard are trying to address all the big weaknesses that Warlords had, at least.

You can check out the trailer for yourself below. Legion launches on PC and Mac at the end of August. Let us know what you think of the trailer, as well as whether or not you intend to purchase the expansion, in the comments section below.

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