World of Warcraft Legion Revamps PvP, Honor Points Revealed

Gear also won't give you a huge edge, stats-wise, during PvP.

Blizzard Entertainment will be introducing some sweeping changes to World of Warcraft with its next big expansion Legion, especially when it comes to the competitive multiplayer or PvP aspect of the game.

In a new blog post, Blizzard explained that players would no longer be using Honor and Conquest to buy gear and instead after reaching max level, you’ll begin accruing Honor Points when playing in Battlegrounds and Arenas. These increase your Honor Level (the max being 50) which nets you gold and Honor Talents along with artifact powers. These talents can only be used in PvP and can be used together with your normal skills during competitive play.

It should also be noted that gear stats will no longer be taken into account for PvP and each player will receive a set of stats based on their specialization. Bonuses from sets, enchants and Legendary items will be disabled. You’ll still receive some modifier to your stats based on your gear’s item level but this puts players on pretty much the same level during PvP.

What are your thoughts on these changes? Let us know in the comments and make sure to check out the other planned features for PvP in the above post.

Blizzard EntertainmentpcPVPworld of warcraft: legion