X Rebirth Receives New Trailer, Limited Edition Details

What's in the box for the rebirth of this classic space sim?

X Rebirth, the upcoming open-ended sci-fi space simulation, has received a new gameplay trailer ahead of its release. You can check it out above, but more importantly, developer Egosoft has also revealed a Limited Edition for the game.

The Limited Edition Box Version will include an Updated Color X Encyclopedia ebook, an art book full of concept art, the player’s manual, the game’s original soundtrack and bonus videos. This isn’t to forget the game itself, of course, which will build upon the series’ classic design with new features to provide a greater range of freedom mixed with more ships and enhanced realism. That doesn’t include a larger range of activities, of course.

Considering the dearth of open-ended sci-fi space sims, with only Chris Roberts’ Star Citizen being the other big release, X Rebirth is the closest we’ll get to reliving the glory days of space sims. It releases on November 15th for PC.

Egosoftlimited editionpcspace simX Rebirth