Xbox Live Back Online After Lizard Squad DDOS

Core services are back online after outages.

Though some issues may still persist for those trying to log in, Microsoft’s Xbox Live is back online after a DDOS attack by hacking group Lizard Squad. The group struck both PSN and Xbox Live on Christmas morning, making good on its promise weeks ago to take down both services.

A brief visit to the Xbox Live Status page shows that core services are back online and running smoothly. Some stray errors may still affect users though including disconnects but for the most part, you shouldn’t have much problem logging back in and yelling at Xur in Bungie’s Destiny.

PSN had actually been facing issues on December 24th due to DDOS attacks by Lizard Squad but things began to clear up by the night time. This was likely to facilitate the sudden outage of Xbox Live and PSN on Christmas Day though.

Are you still facing problems logging? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

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