Xbox Live Won’t Let You Down, New Xbox Ad Claims

Calling out the competition.

A few months ago, an independent study proclaimed Xbox Live to be the most reliable console online gaming network– and now, Microsoft are taking that and running with it in an all new ad, which claims that Xbox Live is a network that ‘won’t let you down.’

To be fair, Xbox Live is in general a better offering than the competition- basic features like changing your username are allowed, the monthly offering of games to subscribers is better, and online play is far more stable, with less downtime- so the claim isn’t necessarily without merit. Sony, for a while beginning to close the gap that separated theirs and Microsoft’s online offerings, are now decidedly lagging behind again.

Then again, I’m not sure if, to the average customer, the difference is that noticeable, at any rate. You can check out the ad for yourself below, and let us know whether or not you agree with Microsoft’s claim in the comments section below.

MicrosoftXbox Live