Xbox One Exclusive Sunset Overdrive Receives Gameplay Video Which Shows Off Everything

Including the game's control scheme.

The Insomniac developed Sunset Overdrive is arguably the best and most interesting upcoming exclusive in the Xbox One’s arsenal, and Microsoft seems to realize this, as it seems to be doing its best to push and promote the game at every juncture.

But for all of that publicity, we still don’t know a fair bit about the game. This new video, however, should change all that, as it shows off quite a few gameplay mechanics; actually, it shows off quite a lot, including yes, the game’s control scheme, which actually looks… pretty standard, you shouldn’t have much issues with it in any case.

Sunset Overdrive is Insomniac’s first big game not on a PlayStation platform; it is also following a series of high profile flops by the company, including Fuse, Resistance 3, and some very misguided Ratchet and Clank experimental games. Sunset Overdrive, though, looks great, with its great gameplay and that trademark sense of style and humor.

Stay tuned for more coverage.

Insomniac GamesSunset OverdriveXbox One