Xbox One X Is Priced Too High, Says Michael Pachter

Not an unfair price, but a high one nonetheless.

The Xbox One X’s price was announced earlier today, and at a whopping $499, it was deemed to be way too expensive by most people. Most people apparently also includes Michael Pachter, the analyst at Wedbush Securities. Speaking during the YouTube Live coverage, Pachter gave his thoughts on the Xbox One X’s price.

The big problem, according to Pachter, is that the One X costs as much as a PS4 plus Xbox One S combined- so there is the larger question of whether or not the casual customer will even consider purchasing it when they can always purchase a cheaper Xbox One or PS4. According to him, while $500 is a fair price, it is not one that will appeal to the mass market, who are being inundated with cheaper consoles from Sony, Nintendo, and Microsoft themselves.

In the end, Pachter predicted success for PS4 and Nintendo Switch, but was left wondering about the Xbox One X’s possible mass market appeal. It will be interesting to see how well the console can do, definitely.

E3 2017Microsoftxbox one x