The Switch could be in line to receive even more ports of beloved third party titles. As mentioned by GameXplain in a video, Catherine: Full Body and XCOM 2 Collection might be headed to the hybrid machine soon. This is as per age listings that have popped up for the game on the South Korean ratings board.
A potential Switch port of Catherine: Full Body – the expanded re-release of Atlus’ bizarre puzzle adventure title – has been mentioned in Atlus’ yearly surveys several times, including the most recent one as well. XCOM 2 Collection, meanwhile, would be bringing the full base game, its War for the Chosen expansion, and multiple DLC packs to the Switch- if this should prove to be accurate.
Both games would make a lot of sense on the Switch (most games do), and it wouldn’t be much of a stretch to imagine these two ports happening. Either way, this is unconfirmed right now, so treat it as such.
Not too long ago, a listing for the BioShock Collection on Switch also popped up in Taiwan. Read more on that through here.