XCOM 2: New Trailer Showcases New Strategies


XCOM 2 is looking absolutely amazing- freed from the constraints of console hardware, it seems like developers Firaxis will now be able to make the kind of breathtaking nuanced strategy game that they are known for with the Civilization series. If there was any doubt for that, this brand new trailer should sell you on it.

The new trailer shows off The Avenger, which you can use as a mobile base in the game; The Avenger will allow players to customize their soldiers’ appearances, recruit new soldiers and manage the company’s funds. In the process, it also seems as though it will solve one of the biggest problems that Enemy Unknown had over the old X-Com games- that of it permitting only one base to the player in a fixed location.

XCOM 2 will launch on PC and Mac this November. Stay tuned to GamingBolt for more coverage and information on the game.

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