Yakuza Kiwami Gets A Cool New Trailer

Check it out inside.

Yakuza: Kiwami, the remake of the original Yakuza game in the style of the modern titles, which is releasing this year on the PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 4, has received a pretty ballin’ new trailer, showing off some pretty cool and nifty stuff. Fans of the original game, and of the franchise, should definitely enjoy this new trailer, which seems to promise the story in the first game being done justice (the original Yakuza game, by the developers’ own admission, was always kind of trash).

You can check out the testosterone fueled and filled trailer for yourself below. Yakuza: Kiwami is due out for PS3 and PS4 in Japan this year, with Yakuza 6, the sixth entry in the saga, slated for launch in Japan exclusively on the PS4 by the end of 2016. Exact details on these games’ western launches are a bit murky right now, but considering that Sony seems to be pushing for their localization a fair bit recently, hopefully we get to see them here sooner rather later (though it will probably be the other way around).

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