Yo-Kai Watch 4 Gets Debut Trailer, Direct Feed Gameplay Footage

There are some good glimpses of the combat system in here.

Level-5 may have announced a delay for Yo-Kai Watch 4, the next entry in their long running monster catching franchise, but you still get something to chew on as you wait for the game in the interim. Today, we got a brand new debut trailer for the game, which presents us with our very first look at it in action.

From the trailer, we can see glimpses of the game’s combat system (which vaguely seems to resemble the combat system from Ni no Kuni 2 earlier this year), as well as its gorgeous art style. Troublingly enough, the frame rate doesn’t seem to hold up well in the trailer.

The good news on that front is that we also have direct feed gameplay footage of the game in action, and performance there seems to be far smoother than what the trailer suggests it will be like. Why the trailer has lower frame rates is anyone’s guess, but I hope the final game, whenever it launches, will be smoothed out on that front.

Yo-Kia Watch 4 will launch exclusively on Nintendo Switch in Spring 2019 in Japan. A western release date is not yet announced.

level 5nintendo switchyo-Kai watch 4