Yo-kai Watch 4++ Releases December 5 For PS4 And Switch In Japan

Still no international release in sight.

While the Yo-kai Watch series didn’t quite hit the potential it seemed to have at one time (there was a point where it was seriously considered a potential rival to Pokemon), it still retains a decent following. The newest entry in the series is also getting the typical release with a typical weird Japanese subtitle called Yo-kai Watch 4++ announced the developer today.

The enhanced re-release will include multiplayer, new areas, and new yo-kai to battle and collect. This will mark the first time the series will come to the PlayStation 4, as well as the first time it’ll come to a non-Nintendo system. Those who own the Switch version of the original release can download the new content as DLC.

While it’s been confirmed that Yo-kai Watch 4 will come westward at some point in time, only the Japanese release date of December 5th was announced for 4++. Presumably the localized version will be based on this. We’ll keep you updated.

level 5nintendo switchps4yo-Kai watch 4