Zynga Founder: “Right Now, I’m Pretty Bored With All Games”

Also wants a game to addict him again like Farmville did (seriously).

Say what you will about how evil, maniacal or downright short-sighted Zynga founder Mark Pincus is, but there’s no denying that this is a man who came out of nowhere and single-handedly kickstarted the Facebook games revolution. Of course, the company has been in free fall ever since, with top executives leaving and more than a dozen games being shut down, but Pincus is still an integral figure in today’s social media-dominated world.

But when it comes to games, it seems the man is still obsessed with Farmville. During a Garage Geeks event in Tel Aviv, as reported by The Wall Street Journal, a prominent Israeli venture capitalist Yossi Vardi asked Pincus what his favourite game was, to which the latter stated, “Right now, I’m pretty bored with all games.” Despite other games being named, including a few games from Zynga, Pincus’s answer remained the same.

Pincus remarked that he was waiting for a game to capture him like Farmville did. “I want that addiction again,” he stated simply.

The question now is: Does any one want that addiction again? It remains to be seen, as Zynga’s run continues.

Facebook gamingfarmvilleMark Pincussocial gamingZynga