343i: ‘We have poured our blood, sweat, and tears into Halo 4’, encourages players to go ‘dark’

343i puts forward it's request.

Piracy has been a massive issue not only for video games but for almost every form of entertainment. A recent study by Entertainment Software Association of Canada, video games piracy accounts for 3.5bn Canadian dollars (£1.6bn). And when such a unfortunate incident happens with perhaps the biggest game of 2012, things look a bit bad.

343 Industries developers have asked fans to stay away from websites or forums that have spoiler content in them. “If you are interested in staying spoiler-free, we encourage you to exercise caution when visiting various websites, social networking services, and forums. Going dark is a customary pre-launch tradition for many gamers, and now may be the time to do that”, the developer added.

For making a game as big as Halo 4, 343 industries have put in a lot of effort.

“We have poured our blood, sweat, and tears into Halo 4, and we want you to have the best possible experience with our game, come November 6,” the developer added.

According to Attackofthefanboy, the game leaked out of a factory that was producing the games.  Microsoft have already employed the ban-hammer for anyone playing a pirated copy of Halo 4.

We will keep you updated for more Halo 4 news and updates.

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