Activision Reveals Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Danger Of The Ooze

Just let it die with some dignity.

Activision have announced Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Danger Of The Ooze, the upcoming side scroller is currently set to release on PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and 3DS at some point in autumn. As of yet there has been no mention of an 8th generation version of the game, but let’s be honest, there’s not much more that an Xbox One or PlayStation 4 could lend to a side scroller about turtle ninjas.

There hasn’t been any information released yet regarding who will actually be developing game though, but this will apparently be a “vast, interconnected, non-linear game world, which rewards exploration and creative thinking”. Players will be able to swap between the turtles whenever they want as well. Doesn’t this sound a lot like the Lego game formula?

If ever there is an example of a franchise that can’t just be left alone and is constantly being beaten with a stick made of money, it’s the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. The poor green heroes in a half shell have been under a lot of fire lately, through no fault of their own I might add, due to their most recent on screen outing brought to us by good old Michael Bay and his crate of fireworks. Luckily, this game isn’t connected to that travesty.

3DSactivisionps3Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Danger Of The Oozexbox 360