Agent Still in Development at Rockstar Games

Most likely on hold at this time.

Although Rockstar Games revealed recently that it had no new news on the Cold War spy style action adventure game Agent, which has been in development limbo since first being revealed years ago, the project is far from dead.

According to a report by Superannuation, Rockstar Games staffer Jon Young mentioned the game as being in development in his CV alongside Grand Theft Auto V. While we don’t doubt the veracity of that claim, it could easily just be on hold while the various studios – Young is part of New York – finish up work on the bread winner that will be GTA V.

Not that we could blame them.

Agent was first revealed at E3 2009 as a PlayStation 3 exclusive title, featuring as one of the many games expected to turn the tide in the console war. However, it disappeared shortly after, despite some environmental assets for the game being unearthed afterwards in 2011. Regardless, hype is hype and we’re still looking forward to Rockstar’s vision for the game.

Agente3 2009Grand Theft Auto Vmultiplatformps3rockstar games