Alan Wake Writer Still Wants To Do A Sequel

Sam Lake still wants to do a follow up to the beloved thriller.

Remedy Entertainment’s next game, Control, is a little over a month away, and it’s going to be pretty weird game. While it’s very much its own thing, it shares a lot of DNA with Remedy’s previous works, including the thriller Alan Wake that became one of their biggest hits both commercially and critically, but due to a long development cycle and not so clear terms with the game’s original publisher, Microsoft, the full sequel never developed. Someone who hasn’t quite let it go yet is the game’s writer Sam Lake, who still wants to see where Alan ends up.

In an interview with IGN, Lake was open about his want to continue Alan Wake despite the long time that’s passed since the original release. He says it has to be done just right and under the correct circumstances, but can see it in the future.

“I want to make it,” Lake said blatantly. “At this point, so much time has passed. I feel that the bar is higher in some ways. It needs to be done right if it’s ever done. Everything needs to click into place, which is really hard to make it happen. So many things, for these big games to be greenlit, need to be aligned. But I’m hoping that someday….”

With the publishing rights recently purchased by Remedy, it certainly seems like it’s more possible than ever before. The game did receive a DLC follow up of sorts, American Nightmare, but it wasn’t what many expected and did little to tie up the huge cliffhanger the game ended on. Will Alan Wake get to write a new ending for his story someday? Well, stranger things have happened, so you never know.

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