Anarchy Reigns: Pre-order at Gamestop, Receive the Bullet Witch Herself

Plus additional game modes.

Anarchy Reigns. But you already knew that, yes? The upcoming fighter from Platinum Games looks to combine a bevy of characters and the insane stylisms that Platinum Games is so well known for when it releases for Playstation 3 and Xbox 360 next year in January. However, fans who want a little more bang for their buck can pre-order the game from Gamestop and expect plenty of goodies from Sega, including Bayonetta who brings her guns (all four of ’em) to the battlefield.

But that’s not all. Players will also receive two new multiplayer modes: Mad Survival mode and Dogfight. Mad Survival has a team of 3 players fighting against waves of enemies – except unlike other games, the enemies are the other playable characters. And they’ll need more than a sound beating to go down. Dogfight mode has players hanging from helicopters and pelting each with bullets until they fall. Because, well, why not?

Stay tuned for the North American release on January 8th 2013.

ANARCHY REIGNSBayonettaDLCGamestopPlatinum Gamesps3Segaxbox 360