Anonymous hacktivist group to target Zynga?

Zynga's online operation could be in danger.

It’s no secret that Zynga is a company that is being viewed by many as ruthless and something that only cares about its bottomline and does not take care of its employees. They have also entered the gambling phase, presumably because the gaming business isn’t doing that well.

However, it seems that Anonymous–the Internet’s own defender of free right–will attempt to teach the company a lesson by…? Well we don’t know what exactly they will do, but this is just a rumour for now.

we also have a  report that one Anonymous speaker had access to documents which showed Zynga’s intention lay-off 1000 staff. The company’s share value has plummeted and also recently fired 100 people during E3, in what is being viewed as a vile act by everyone.

We would post that video here but it appears to have been taken down (via VG247).

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Thanks, Pocketgamer.
