Arcen Games: We would not have been able to stay in business without Steam

Steam is a saviour for Indie developers and gives them a platform to showcase their content, and for some of them, it can be the sole reason why they stay in the business. Arcen Games, who created A valley Without Wind, said why Steam is so important for many developers despite of less revenue.

“Players should always buy games in whatever way is most convenient for them,” said the founder and lead designer of Arcen Games to Gamespy.

“If we weren’t happy with a way of selling our game, we wouldn’t be selling it that way. Some players like to buy direct from developers because logically the developers get a larger cut of the revenue, and that’s great — but when you buy through a distributor you increase our sales rank and visibility through that distributor, which is also valuable. No matter where you buy it from, everybody wins!

“The Steam audience is massive, and quite frankly we wouldn’t have been able to stay in business these last three years without them.”

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A Valley Without WindArcen GamespcSteam