Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood releasing on PSN with exclusive content for PS Plus members

It has been confirmed that last year’s super successful Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood will be released on PlayStation Network Europe for a price tag of £23.99/€29.99. Ten avatars will also be released along with the game, Ezio and Harelquin included, each for £0.40/€0.49. These avatars, however, will be exclusively available to PS Plus members. The game will be hitting PSN on August 3rd, that is tomorrow, and will be free with a purchase of AC:B HDD.

Assassin’s Creed II will also see a 20% price cut, with all the DLC included. The original Assassin’s Creed will see a 50% price chop. These two offers, however, are only in place for PlayStation Plus members.

Stay tuned to GB for more info.


Assassin's Creed 2Assassins CreedAssassins creed IIAssassins Creed: BrotherhoodPlaystation Networkplaystation plusps3PSNpsn plusUbisoft