Assassin’s Creed Origins Xbox One X Gameplay Footage Looks Stunning

Pyramids, the city of Memphis, and more in all their Xbox One X enhanced glory.

assassins creed originsassassins creed origins

Assassin’s Creed Origins looks like exactly the kind of breath of fresh air that the series needed- a structural and narrative ‘soft reboot’ of the franchise, so to say. It also looks like it will continue the franchise’s long held tradition of technical proficiency- the game promises to look stunning on all platforms.

But for the console versions, at least, the crown jewel will be the Xbox One X version- this is the version that we have been seeing a lot of, and the version that is likely to represent, to console players, the developers’ ultimate vision for what the game should look like.

A brand new video of the game shows us footage from the Xbox One X version of the game- we get to see Memphis, Pyramids, Bayek reuniting with his wife, and many more things in this footage, so be sure to give it a watch for yourself below. Assassin’s Creed Origins is due out on PS4, Xbox One, and PC on October 27.

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