Assassin’s Creed Syndicate: Devs Explain Level Design, Railroad System And More

The game will be historically accurate, with a few tweaks here and there.

Assassin’s Creed Syndicate has already earned the title for most hyped Assassin’s Creed game in the last few months. The game is said to be the first to really take advantage of what the current generation consoles can do and Ubisoft has long talked about the size and scope of the game, that includes a number of different side missions. There really has been some serious work putting the world of Syndicate together. Jonathan Dumont recently sat down for rather extensive interview with Gizmodo and talked about his approach.

Dumont says that he feels as though there is a very big difference between world design and level design. “World design is to create a credible and immersive world that offers gameplay and exploration opportunities, while level design is more of a moment to moment guide that supports specific actions.” Dumont said. He added that the key, when talking about an open world game, is to work hard to lay the right foundation. Dumont pointed out that when creating a video game world, he often borrows from the real world and bends it to his whim.

This was most recently demonstrated with the way they dealt with the railroad system in London. While the railroad is modeled after the real system, there are subtle differences such as connecting all of the stations in the game. They weren’t all connected in real life. This is a difference that most people wouldn’t have known about and makes it that much easier to get around in the Assassin’s Creed world. The developer says that the game will be able to engage people from a historical way, while still bringing a story that lends itself well to the series as a whole.

Assassin’s Creed Syndicate is set for release on the PS4, PC and Xbox One on October 23.

Assassin's Creed: Syndicatepcps4UbisoftXbox One