Assassin’s Creed Syndicate PC Version Graphics Settings And Options Revealed

Has the extra time in the oven paid off?

Unlike Assassin’s Creed Unity last year, Assassin’s Creed Syndicate’s PC version did not launch day and date with the console versions- Ubisoft decided to take the time to work on the PC version a little more, opting to stagger its release by about a month, presumably to avoid a repeat of the kind of glitchy and buggy disaster that Unity was on PC. It’s an approach that has served them well in the past, with games such as Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag, so one can certainly see the reasoning behind the decision.

With the PC version’s launch almost here (it launches tomorrow on PC), Reddit member ‘Profoundsoup‘ has shared images, revealing the game’s PC graphics options. They’re not the most extensive in the world, but they do seem to be better than a lot of poor console ports- at the very least, it seems like the extra time in the oven has paid off, since this game doesn’t seem to be a half assed port on the PC.

Assassin’s Creed Syndicate launches on the PC tomorrow. Stay tuned for further coverage.

Assassin's Creed: Syndicatepcps4UbisoftXbox One