Assassins Creed: Unity Trailer Reveals Arno’s Skills, Loot System and Customization

Low profile hood? Really?

Fans of running really fast and sticking people in the sides with sharp, pointy things take note: Ubisoft has released  a new trailer for Assassin’s Creed Unity, detailing the various skills and how you’ll customize your own personal version of protagonist Arno.

The game allows you to take your customisable Assassin online to take part in specially made Co-op missions, but what augments your Assassin that makes them so much more formidable than your average sword wielding nutter? Your core skills, the abilities that form the fundamental basis of your Assassins abilities. Be it advanced combat skills, navigational talents or stealth, the core skills lie at the heart of your ability to win.

There’s also a surprisingly in-depth loot system that spurs you to take part in co-op – which seems to support match-making – and further augment your skills. Assassin’s Creed: Unity will be out on PC, Xbox One and PS4 on November 11th in North America and November 13th in Europe.

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