Assassin’s Creed: Unity Trailer Teases Time Travel and Anomalies

Can it be Nazis? Let it be Nazis.

Finally! A twist on something that was becoming thoroughly uninteresting. How do you take something like the Assassin’s Creed and make it fresh? A series that typically finds you bouncing of pedestrians in the allotted timeline whilst using period equipment. How do you freshen that up?

Simple really. You mess with time.

Arno, the newest protagonist can be seen to be (quite literally) leaping through time where he, and I kid you not, can be seen dodging oncoming underground trains and climbing the Eiffel tower before manning a machine gun and opening up on what seems to be a Stutka. I say seems to be because while it does indeed appear to be a fixed wing fighter, the accompanying iconic sound can’t be heard. Perhaps a Spitefire? Who even knows…

Either way. Bloody well played Ubisoft, I had zero interest in this game before seeing this and the view seems to be shared by many others. Very well played indeed. Assassin’s Creed: Unity is out on November 11th for North America and November 14th for Europe.

Assassin's Creed: Unitypcps4UbisoftXbox One