Batman: Arkham Knight Day One Patch is a Staggering 3.5 GB

Par for the course, then.

Like almost every other game that is released to the market these days, the code of Batman: Arkham Knight that went gold is not the final gold that Rocksteady expects players to play. Instead, a day one patch will be necessary to bring the game up to speed, on all platforms.

The patch will be staggering 3.5GB in size (just for context, most Wii U, Vita, and 3DS games aren’t 3.5GB), and will add a plethora of fixes and improvements to the game, that should hopefully help bring the level of performance to the acceptable level.

  • Improved Performance
  • Stability Fixes
  • New feature: Rival Points
  • New feature: Original Batsuit skin available to select
  • Support for “A Matter Of Family” additional content
  • General gameplay, graphical, audio, UI, and localization fixes

Batman: Arkham Knight launches today. Stay tuned to GamingBolt for more coverage.

Batman: Arkham Knightpcps4rocksteadyWarner BrosXbox One