Battlefield 1 Beta Ends on September 8th

Get your desert warfare in till then.

DICE has gone ahead and finally announced when the open beta for Battlefield 1’s multiplayer will be ending. Get your playtime in now because it’s happening sooner than you think.

On the official Battlefield Twitter, the developer announced the beta ending on September 8th. Exact timings weren’t revealed but more information will likely be in-bound the closer we get to Thursday.

The Battlefield 1 open beta has gone fairly well for the most part with several bugs reported and players reporting decent to above average network performance across all platforms (though odd issues like uneven weather have been pointed out). The only major change made to the beta since it’s launch last week was to remove Conquest’s time limit.

Battlefield 1 releases on October 21st for Xbox One, PS4 and PC. Pre-orders and EA Access subscribers will receive Early Access to get in more playtime. Will you be joining the battle? Let us know in the comments below.

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