Battlefield 1 Rent-A-Server Future Features Revealed

VIP lists, kick'/ban functions and more incoming.

DICE’s Battlefield 1 allows players to rent their own servers to host custom games on and while the launch of said support was kind of lacking, the developer has outlined some features that will be added in the near future.

Along with an admin control panel that lets you kick and ban players along with a VIP list for players who will receive priority when in the server queue. Password protected servers will also be a thing with all equipment available but these are unranked without any avenue for EXP or progression.

Other features being considered include spawning on Squad Leader only; switching off the Behemoth vehicles; and Whole Magazine Reload which was present on previous Hardcore modes.

The server browser is also up to be redesigned since it doesn’t highlight rented servers well enough currently. “In an effort to address this, we are looking into giving all rented servers priority in the server browser. This means that rented servers will always be displayed at the top of the server browser.”

Thoughts on all these new and potential additions? Let us know in the comments.

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