Battlefield 1 Single-Player Details Revealed in ESRB Rating

Minor new details arise.

Though a new trailer for Battlefield 1’s single-player campaign is slated to release today, the ESRB has published its rating for the first person shooter, noting the violence involved but also some of the roles players will take on during the story. Spoilers lie ahead.

While the part about taking place across “various locations” in the war is a given, it seems there will be various characters to control. These include a rebel fighter, message-runner, armour crewman and fighter pilot.

It’s scant but does offer some perspective on how DICE plans to visit so many different locations in World War 1. As for the violence involved, “Battles are highlighted by frequent gunfire, cries of pain, and explosions. Some sequences depict enemies wielding flamethrowers; soldiers can be heard screaming while engulfed in flames. Players can also use knives or bayonets to stab enemies in stealth attacks. Splashes of blood can be seen when enemies are hit; one sequence depicts blood and corpses on a beach after a battle. The word ‘f**k’ appears in the dialogue.”

Battlefield 1 is out on October 21st for Xbox One, PS4 and PC.

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